[button color=”light” icon=”tick” link=”https://www.grad-glina.hr/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/20131029124944.pdf” target=”_blank”]MINUTES of the Site Visit and Clarification Meeting[/button]
Town of Glina ,
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 2,
44400 Glina
Class: 302-01/11-01/12
No: 2176/20-04-13-124
Glina, 07.10.2013. god.
Publication reference: 3010312070/WKS
Name of contract: Reconstruction and upgrade of the sewer B1
MINUTES of the Site Visit and Clarification Meeting
A. Introduction
As a part of participation to the tender for the works related to the Project “Reconstruction and upgrade of the sewer B1”, the Site Visit and Clarification Meeting were held in town of Glina on October 07, 2013 at 10:00. The Town of Glina, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 2, 44400 Glina is acting as a Contracting Authority (CA) and will implement the Project.
Please be informed that the Minutes of Site Visit and Clarification Meeting will not necessarily reproduce the answers that were orally given to the questions raised at the clarification meeting, but the answers that should have been given to those questions.
As representatives from contracting authority following persons participated:
Mr. Damir Fabijanac from Town of Glina ; Mr. Vedran Banaj, certified civil engineer who prepared tender dossier, from “Uljanik d.o.o.”
As representatives from the companies that took over the tender following persons participated: Mrs. Dijana Vukičević from “Aquaterm d.o.o”; Mr. Marko Škrtić and Mr. Petar Kardat from “Hidrocommerce d.o.o.”; Mr. Zlatko Ćorluka from “Hedom d.o.o.”; Mr. Branko Hršak from “Kaptel d.o.o.”; Mr. Mario Ravić and Mr. Igor Bolčević from “Bolčević gradnja d.o.o.”; Mr. Željko Turković from “Turković d.o.o.”; and Mr. Cerovac Vladimir from “Elektrocentar Petek Ivanić Grad d.o.o”.
B. Clarification Meeting (from 10:00 to 11:00 on October 07, 2013.)
The Clarification Meeting commenced on the same day at the Town Hall in Glina. The representative of the Town Mr. Fabijanac welcomed attendees and introduced present representatives of CA as well as introduced all of the participating companies with basic information about the tender.
The representatives from potential tenderers asked questions about technical details to be additionally explained.
Tenderers were instructed to submit their questions in writing via email.
B. Site Visit (from 11:00 to 12:00 on the same day)
The Site Visit for the abovementioned project was held in Glina on the same date when interested participants were enabled to visit future building site that is related to the implementation of the works for construction of sewer B1 of Glina. Participating companies (potential tenderers) were shortly introduced with the site by representatives of the Contracting Authority. Location was examined and details of construction checked in technical documentation. The participants were asked to provide questions they might have in a written form and hand them over to the representatives of CA at the end of the Site Visit or send them afterwards by mail or fax to the CA.
E . Conclusion
The potential tenderers left their email addresses and asked for the tender documents to be delivered electronically as well.
When there were no more questions to be answered at the meeting, Mr. Fabijanac instructed the potential tenderers to send all questions they might have after the meeting, as well as any further requests for explanation, by fax or e-mail.
Tenderers may submit questions in writing up to 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders, specifying the publication reference and the contract title:
Contact name: Damir Fabijanac
Address: Town of Glina , Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 2, 44400 Glina
Fax: 044 551-637
E-mail: damir.fabijanac@grad-glina.hr
The Contracting Authority has no obligation to provide additional information after this date.
The Clarification Meeting was closed at 11:00 AM and the Site Visit at 12:00.
Recording Secretary
Head of Department of Economic affairs, spatial planning, urban construction and property
Mr. Damir Fabijanac